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DevOps Engineer

Study and Earn in DevOps
Salaries for DevOps engineers are growing faster than those of other technical specialists, and competition remains low.
  • picker
    Start: 05.07.24 О 19:00
  • user
    Format: online
  • clock
    Duration: 7 months
  • HR-підготовка
    HR Preparation
  • Course Advantages

  • IT-англійська
    IT English
  • Проект у портфоліо
    Project in Portfolio
  • Живі майстер-майнд зустрічі
    Live Mastermind Meetings
  • Підтримка менторів
    Mentor Support

Our course is suitable for:

Become a DevOps Expert, Register Now!
You will be ready to work effectively in DevOps, build automated CI/CD pipelines, deploy application environments, and maintain their infrastructure during operation. This is your chance to master a promising profession with low competition and rapid career prospects!
  • Системним адміністраторам
    For System Administrators

    To make your job easier, automate processes, and streamline operations in the company.

  • DevOps-інженерам початкового рівня
    For Junior DevOps Engineers

    To begin professional development. Our course will help fill knowledge gaps and allow you to earn more

  • Фахівцям, які потребують DevOps-навичок
    For Professionals Needing DevOps Skills

    To understand the intricacies of DevOps methodology from scratch. The course will expand your work competencies and increase your value as a specialist.

Course Program

The program is simple and clear. It is based on practical benefits for work and includes many “life hacks” and real-life examples.
  • infinity
    Module 1
    What is DevOps

    Understanding the responsibilities of a DevOps engineer and the specifics and focus of their work.

  • gear
    Module 2
    Theoretical Basics of IT Infrastructure

    Understanding the components of modern IT infrastructure and their roles.

  • linux
    Module 3
    Basics of Linux OS

    Knowledge of operating principles and ability to configure basic components of Linux OS.

  • database
    Module 4
    Basics of Computer Networks

    Understanding how a computer network works “under the hood” and what happens in the network when you open a website, basic skills in troubleshooting network issues using main tools and commands.

  • code
    Module 5
    Basics of Scripting

    Skills in writing scripts for Linux OS, which is the foundation of a DevOps engineer’s work and a significant part of their daily routine.

  • manegement
    Module 6
    Code Management and Version Control Systems

    Ability to use repositories, manage branches, build branch strategies, and interact with the development team.

  • integration
    Module 7
    Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

    Skill in performing the central part of a DevOps engineer’s job – building an automated CI/CD pipeline.

  • cloud
    Module 8
    Basics of Cloud Infrastructure on AWS

    Understanding key AWS services, skills in building networks, clusters, and storage, and the ability to set up monitoring systems for your resources.

  • ansible
    Module 9
    Налаштування бажаного стану систем на прикладі Ansible

    Ви зможете вміло налаштовувати системи, розуміти агентні та безагентні програми, працювати з Ansible, включаючи встановлення, конфігурацію та обробку помилок.

  • Module 10
    Автоматизація розгортання інфраструктури за допомогою підходу “Інфраструктура як код” на прикладі Terraform

    Розуміння основних служб AWS, навички побудови мережі, кластерів та сховищ, вміння налагодити систему моніторингу для власних ресурсів

  • docker
    Module 11
    Контейнеризація за допомогою Docker

    Глибоке розуміння та практичні навички контейнеризації за допомогою Docker

  • kubernets
    Module 12
    Оркестрація контейнерів за допомогою Kubernetes

    Навички розгортання та адміністрування комплексної захищеної контейнерної інфраструктури на базі Kubernetes

  • effectivity
    Module 13
    Ефективне управління робочою інфраструктурою

    Знання і навички з ефективного моніторингу, логування та відновлення робочої інфраструктури

  • note
    Module 14
    Професійний розвиток та завершення курсу

    Готовність до працевлаштування в ролі DevOps інженера, включаючи резюме, розуміння подальшого кар’єрного шляху

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After the course, you will be able to:

  • Administer Linux
    • Manage system settings through the terminal
    • Configure and manage users and groups
    • Install and update software through package managers
  • Implement DevOps practices in projects
    You will gain an in-depth understanding of DevOps and be able to:
    • Implement the principles of collective work and cooperation between developers and administrators.
    • Apply DevOps practices to improve development and deployment processes.
  • Create and manage infrastructure
    • Configure and manage infrastructure using automation tools.
    • Develop infrastructure code to implement changes quickly and efficiently.
  • Automate CI/CD Processes
    You will master:
    • Create and configure automated CI/CD pipelines for convenient application testing and deployment.
    • Using tools to automate testing, building, and delivery.
  • Ensure effective communication in the team
    You will develop the skills to:
    • Effective communication between developers, testers, and administrators.
    • Implementation of DevOps principles to ensure smooth exchange of information and avoid conflicts.
  • Ready to Work in DevOps
    At the end of the course, you will:
    • You will be able to effectively perform tasks related to building an automated CI/CD pipeline and deploying application desktops.
    • You will have incident monitoring and response skills.
    • You will be ready for the challenges faced by specialists in infrastructure development and management.
    • Understand the intricacies of DevOps practices from scratch and be able to expand your competencies at work and increase your value as a specialist.
Хлопець з комп'ютером

Your Resume after the Course


DevOps Engineer

  • High level of understanding of DevOps concepts and principles.
  • Programming skills in Python.
  • Experience in setting up Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).
  • Effective use of Docker, Ansible, Terraform, and GitLab tools.
  • Automation and orchestration of development and deployment processes.
  • Practical experience with cloud services and databases.
  • Successfully built automated CI/CD pipelines.
  • Knowledge of various DevOps practices

How Your Training Will Go

Online Format

Each session is conducted online on a platform using real-cases

Focus on Practice

The Data Wizard course is based on practice and interaction with experienced mentors.

Professional Mentors

Only engaging learning from people with extensive backgrounds who know what they are doing and are ready to help.

Session Recordings

Each session is recorded and becomes available for viewing the next day

Flexible Schedule

You can watch recordings and study whenever and wherever you want

Online Platform

You will become part of the student community and can exchange experiences and questions

Course Mentor


Vladislav Gram

  • Lead DevOps Strategy Advisor at Ciklum
  • Awarded “Best DevOps Vendor of the Year” as Head Of DevOps
  • Also awarded “Best DevOps Project of the Year in the Retail Sector.”
  • Eight years of DevOps experience, 19 years of IT experience
  • Worked at Microsoft as a Technical Pre-sale

Course Mentor:

Oleksiy Kasumov
System engineer в Signet
  • Skilled in: Docker, Bitbucket Pipelines, Terraform, PowerShell, Bash
  • 6 Years of Experience
  • Creating CI processes from scratch
  • Implementing automated processes based on PowerShell
  • Administering local and cloud infrastructure
  • System Administrator at Sayenko Kharenko
  • Administering networks, services, local and cloud infrastructure


  • photo
    Why do I need to learn DevOps?

    DevOps allows you to accelerate the implementation of changes in software development, reduce the time it takes to correct errors, and ensure the system’s stability.

  • photo
    What are the job prospects for DevOps specialists?

    The demand for DevOps engineers is constantly increasing, and this specialty is widespread in technology companies.

  • photo
    Is it challenging for beginners to learn DevOps?

    Our training program is specially designed for beginners. Our approach to lessons and comfortable learning help facilitate the learning process.

  • photo
    Will I need DevOps skills in the future?

    Very. DevOps skills are extremely valuable in many areas of IT because they facilitate the efficient development and management of infrastructure.

  • photo
    What advantages will mastering DevOps bring when choosing a career path?

    DevOps allows you to gain work experience in different areas, making you more comfortable for a wide range of work opportunities.

  • photo
    How to get an installment plan?

    Find out more about installment options by contacting our customer service department using the contacts on our website.

  • photo
    Is this course suitable for me if I have a low level of English?

    The course is available in Ukrainian. English is not mandatory. In addition, we will “strengthen” your English in IT English classes, which are also part of the course. We will teach you all the terms you will need at work.

  • photo
    Чи входить вартість курсу в усі необхідні матеріали й ресурси, чи є додаткові витрати?

    Вартість курсу враховує необхідні навчальні матеріали та ресурси, які надаються викладачами. Однак, в рамках завдань студентам потрібно бути розгортати власну інфраструктуру в хмарному сервісі AWS. І хоча що хоча в AWS існують безкоштовні сервіси, певна їх частина платні. Студентам будуть надані інструкції щодо оптимізації витрат і уникнення непотрібних витрат під час виконання завдань у хмарному сервісі AWS. Вартість цих платних послуг оцінюється приблизно у 20-30 доларів США за весь курс (з тарифікацією похвилинно).

  • photo
    Скільки годин на тиждень мені доведеться виділяти на навчання?

    Рекомендований час навчання – 8-10 годин на тиждень. Гнучкий графік дозволяє вам вибирати час, зручний саме для вас.

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