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DevOps engineer

Курс DevOps
Key skills for a successful career
Thanks to DevOps engineers, companies spend 96 times less time fixing errors – The State of DevOps.
Companies achieve a positive impact on customer satisfaction 1.5 times faster with DevOps engineers.
Компанії в 1,5 раза швидше досягатають позитивного впливу на задоволеність клієнтів завдяки DevOps-інженерам
7 months
Курс DevOps
Live mastermind meetings
Support from experienced mentors
Add the project to the portfolio
Get access to English courses.

Benefits of the course

Interesting profession
DevOps combines automation, innovation, and collaboration, allowing you to develop and implement software faster and more efficiently.
AI not take your place
Adaptation to market changes
DevOps allows you to respond quickly to market and technology changes, critical to business competitiveness.
HR training
HR training
Our HR professionals can help you prepare for job opportunities, interviews, myths, and teamwork.
You will also receive free access to the English course for IT specialists. We will teach you all the terms you will need in your work.
Employment with partners
Employment with partners
Our partners are very interested in promising course graduates. The best graduates are offered a job or internship immediately after the course.
Specific Skills
New professional level
DevOps allows you to speed up the process of making changes to the development and implementation of new functionality and reduces the risk of releasing errors in the product.

Our course will suit :

To automate testing and integration into the development process. To learn tools to help you detect errors faster and more efficiently.
Software developers:
To explore development and deployment automation tools. To improve collaboration with the infrastructure and testing team.
Project managers:
To understand and implement DevOps best practices in projects. To ensure effective communication between different groups of developers and administrators.
System administrators:
To manage container configuration management and orchestration tools. To improve deployment and monitoring processes.
Operations Engineers:
To master automation and infrastructure management tools. To improve monitoring and incident response.
Junior-level IT specialists
To learn how to work with Linux and databases, close knowledge gaps, and earn more
Become a DevOps expert, register now!
You will be ready to work effectively in DevOps, build automated CI/CD pipelines, deploy application environments, and support their infrastructure during the operational phase.

About the DevOps profession

A DevOps engineer is an indispensable specialist who automates software development processes. It helps companies implement code changes quickly and securely, keeping high-load services running. The DevOps approach ensures a high development speed while the quality of applications does not suffer, and the business can focus on its development. According to statistics, companies using DevOps can reduce bug fix time by 96 times and bring a new product to market 200 times faster.

A DevOps engineer has Python programming skills, sets up Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) processes, works with Docker, Ansible, Terraform, Gitlab, and implements tools and processes to improve product security. Companies with large IT infrastructures, such as banks, telecommunications companies, fintechs, and retailers, seek such specialists. DevOps engineer is an indispensable specialist.


Course program

The program is easy and clear. It is based on immediate business benefits and contains many “life hacks” and real-life examples.
Module 1
What is DevOps
Що таке DevOps
What is DevOps
Module 1
Understanding the areas of responsibility of the DevOps engineer profession and the specifics and focus of his work
Module 2
Theoretical foundations of IT infrastructure
Теоретичні основи IT інфраструктури
Theoretical foundations of IT infrastructure
Module 2
understanding of the components of modern IT infrastructure and their roles.
Module 3
Linux OS Basics
Основи ОС Linux
Linux OS Basics
Module 3
Knowledge of operating principles and ability to configure basic Linux components
Module 4
Computer Networking Fundamentals
Основи комп’ютерних мереж
Computer Networking Fundamentals
Module 4
Understanding how a computer network works “under the hood” and what exactly happens on the web when you open a website, basic skills in solving network problems using basic tools and commands
Module 5
Scripting Basics
Основи скриптингу
Scripting Basics
Module 5
Skills in writing scripts for the Linux OS, which are the basis of a DevOps engineer’s work and a significant part of his working day.
Module 6
Code Management and Version Control Systems
Управління кодом та системи контролю версій
Code Management and Version Control Systems
Module 6
Ability to use repositories, manage branches, build branch strategy, and interact with the development team
Module 7
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
Безперервна інтеграція та безперервна доставка (CI/CD)
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
Module 7
The ability to perform the central part of a DevOps engineer’s work – building an automated CI/CD pipeline
Module 8
AWS Cloud Infrastructure Fundamentals
Основи хмарної інфраструктури на базі AWS
AWS Cloud Infrastructure Fundamentals
Module 8
Understanding of the main AWS services, skills in building a network, clusters, and storage, ability to set up a monitoring system for your resources
Module 9
Setting up the desired state of systems using Ansible as an example
Налаштування бажаного стану систем на прикладі Ansible
Setting up the desired state of systems using Ansible as an example
Module 9
You can configure systems skillfully, understand agent-based and agentless programs, and work with Ansible, including installation, configuration, and error handling.
Module 10
Automating Infrastructure Deployment Using Infrastructure as Code Using Terraform as an Example
Автоматизація розгортання інфраструктури за допомогою підходу “Інфраструктура як код” на прикладі Terraform
Automating Infrastructure Deployment Using Infrastructure as Code Using Terraform as an Example
Module 10
Skills in automating the creation and configuration of cloud infrastructure using the Infrastructure as Code approach and the Terraform tool
Module 11
Containerization with Docker
Контейнеризація за допомогою Docker
Containerization with Docker
Module 11
Deep understanding and practical skills of containerization with Docker
Module 12
Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
Оркестрація контейнерів за допомогою Kubernetes
Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
Module 12
Skills in deploying and administering a complex, secure container infrastructure based on Kubernetes
Module 13
Effectively Managing Work Infrastructure
Ефективне управління робочою інфраструктурою
Effectively Managing Work Infrastructure
Module 13
Knowledge and skills in effective monitoring, logging, and restoration of working infrastructure
Module 14
Professional Development and Course Completion
Професійний розвиток та завершення курсу
Professional Development and Course Completion
Module 14
readiness for employment as a DevOps engineer, including a resume, understanding of the future career path
Що таке DevOps
What is DevOps
Module 1
Understanding the areas of responsibility of the DevOps engineer profession and the specifics and focus of his work
Register and become a professional DevOps engineer!
Теоретичні основи IT інфраструктури
Theoretical foundations of IT infrastructure
Module 2
understanding of the components of modern IT infrastructure and their roles.
Register and become a professional DevOps engineer!
Основи ОС Linux
Linux OS Basics
Module 3
Knowledge of operating principles and ability to configure basic Linux components
Register and become a professional DevOps engineer!
Основи комп’ютерних мереж
Computer Networking Fundamentals
Module 4
Understanding how a computer network works “under the hood” and what exactly happens on the web when you open a website, basic skills in solving network problems using basic tools and commands
Register and become a professional DevOps engineer!
Основи скриптингу
Scripting Basics
Module 5
Skills in writing scripts for the Linux OS, which are the basis of a DevOps engineer’s work and a significant part of his working day.
Register and become a professional DevOps engineer!
Управління кодом та системи контролю версій
Code Management and Version Control Systems
Module 6
Ability to use repositories, manage branches, build branch strategy, and interact with the development team
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Безперервна інтеграція та безперервна доставка (CI/CD)
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
Module 7
The ability to perform the central part of a DevOps engineer’s work – building an automated CI/CD pipeline
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Основи хмарної інфраструктури на базі AWS
AWS Cloud Infrastructure Fundamentals
Module 8
Understanding of the main AWS services, skills in building a network, clusters, and storage, ability to set up a monitoring system for your resources
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Налаштування бажаного стану систем на прикладі Ansible
Setting up the desired state of systems using Ansible as an example
Module 9
You can configure systems skillfully, understand agent-based and agentless programs, and work with Ansible, including installation, configuration, and error handling.
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Автоматизація розгортання інфраструктури за допомогою підходу “Інфраструктура як код” на прикладі Terraform
Automating Infrastructure Deployment Using Infrastructure as Code Using Terraform as an Example
Module 10
Skills in automating the creation and configuration of cloud infrastructure using the Infrastructure as Code approach and the Terraform tool
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Контейнеризація за допомогою Docker
Containerization with Docker
Module 11
Deep understanding and practical skills of containerization with Docker
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Оркестрація контейнерів за допомогою Kubernetes
Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
Module 12
Skills in deploying and administering a complex, secure container infrastructure based on Kubernetes
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Ефективне управління робочою інфраструктурою
Effectively Managing Work Infrastructure
Module 13
Knowledge and skills in effective monitoring, logging, and restoration of working infrastructure
Register and become a professional DevOps engineer!
Професійний розвиток та завершення курсу
Professional Development and Course Completion
Module 14
readiness for employment as a DevOps engineer, including a resume, understanding of the future career path
Register and become a professional DevOps engineer!
After the course, you will be able to:
Administer Linux

Gain a deep understanding of the Linux operating system and be able to:

  • Manage system settings via the terminal.
  • Setting up and managing users and groups.
  • Installing and updating software through package managers.
Implement DevOps Practices in Projects

Gain an in-depth understanding of DevOps and be able to:

  • Introduce the fundamentals of teamwork and collaboration between developers and administrators.
  • Apply DevOps practices to improve development and deployment processes.
Create and manage infrastructure.
  • Configure and manage infrastructure using automation tools.
  • Develop infrastructure code to implement changes quickly and efficiently.
Automate CI/CD processes
  • Creation and configuration of automated CI/CD pipelines for convenient testing and deployment of applications.
  • Using tools to automate testing, building, and delivery.
Ensure Effective Team Communication
  • Effective communication between developers, testers and administrators.
  • Implement DevOps principles to ensure smooth communication and avoid conflicts.
DevOps Ready
  • You can efficiently complete the tasks of building an automated CI/CD pipeline and deploying application production environments.
  • You will have the skills to monitor and respond to incidents.
  • You’ll be prepared for the challenges facing infrastructure development and management professionals.
  • You will understand the intricacies of DevOps practice from scratch and will be able to expand your competencies at work and increase your value as a specialist.

Your resume after the course

DevOps – Engineer
  • High level of understanding of DevOps concepts and principles.
  • Python programming skills.
  • Experience in establishing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).
  • Effective use of Docker, Ansible, Terraform, Gitlab tools.
  • Automate and orchestrate the development and implementation of changes.
  • Practical experience working with cloud services and databases.
  • Automated CI/CD pipelines have been successfully built.
  • Knowledge of various DevOps practices

While you’re thinking someone is making money.

How is your training going?

The training program has the following features:
Online Format
Each lesson is conducted online on the platform using real-cases
Emphasis on practice
The course is based on practice and interaction with experienced mentors.
Professional mentors
Exclusive learning experiences from individuals with a wealth of expertise who understand their field and are prepared to assist.
Recording classes
Each lesson is recorded and becomes available for viewing the next day.
Flexible schedule
You can view recordings and study whenever and wherever you want
Online platform
You will become part of a community of students and will be able to exchange experiences and questions.

Course instructor:

Vladislav Gramm

  • Lead DevOps Strategy Advisor at Ciklum
  • Received an award in the category “Best DevOps Vendor of the Year” being the Head of DevOps
  • Also received the award for “best DevOps project of the year in the retail sector.”
  • Seven years of DevOps experience, 18 years of IT experience,
  • Worked at Microsoft as a technical pre-sale


Why do I need to learn DevOps?

DevOps allows you to speed up the implementation of changes in software development, reduce error correction time, and ensure system stability.

What is the job outlook for DevOps professionals?

The demand for DevOps engineers is constantly growing, and this specialty is widespread in technology companies.

Is it difficult for beginners to learn DevOps?

Our training program is specially designed for beginners. Our approach to lessons and user-friendly teaching help make the learning process easier.

Will DevOps skills be helpful to me in the future?

Very much. DevOps skills are precious in many areas of IT as they contribute to the efficient development and management of infrastructure.

What benefits does being DevOps bring to your career path?

DevOps allows you to gain experience in different areas, making you more comfortable with many work opportunities.

How do you get an installment plan?

Find out more about installment plans by contacting our customer service department using the contact details on our website.

Is this course suitable for me if my English level is low?

The course is available in Ukrainian. English is not required. In addition, we will improve your English in IT English classes, which is also part of the course. We will teach you all the terms you will need in your work.

Does the course price include all required materials and resources, or are there additional costs?

The course fee includes all necessary materials and resources. There are no additional costs.

How many hours per week will I have to devote to studying?

The recommended training time is 8-10 hours per week. A flexible schedule allows you to choose a time that is convenient for you.

Register now and become a DevOps expert!


Register for the DevOps course

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