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SQL for Beginners

Learn to use SQL for data analysis and management!
Our course will be the foundation for a successful career in data processing fields. Learn the basics of SQL query structure and database management.
  • picker
    Start: 30.05.24 О 19:00
  • user
    Format: online
  • clock
    Duration: 2.5 months
database analyticssoftware

Build a Successful Career

in databases, data analysis, and software development!
Our course is your starting point in the world of big data. Learn the essential commands and concepts for working with databases, SQL queries, and importing data into Excel and Power BI.

Course Advantages

  • Ease of Learning


    Our course is specifically designed for beginners. The material is easy to grasp from the basics, even without prior experience working with databases.

  • database
  • Rapid Career Advancement


    With your data analysis, you can quickly respond to changes and foresee challenges, elevating your work to a new, data-driven level. This makes you a desirable specialist in top companies.

  • Flexible Schedule


    Our course offers a flexible schedule, allowing you to study the material at a convenient time and pace.

  • Practical Emphasis


    Gain practical experience working with SQL, enabling you to apply the skills acquired to real projects.

  • Certificate


    Upon completing the course, you will receive an official certificate confirming your knowledge and experience in working with SQL.

The SQL Course is Suitable For:

Cloud Administrators

and architects seeking to understand how to migrate, manage, and optimize databases in a cloud environment.

Data Analysts

Professionals working with data who want to deepen their skills in writing SQL queries for more effective data analysis.

Students and Graduates

Who are interested in data analytics and want to gain practical skills in working with SQL

Beginners in IT

Those who are starting their journey in the technical field want to understand how databases work and how to use it.

Software Developers

Who seek to better understand the interaction with databases in order to improve the quality and efficiency of their applications.


Who seek to better understand the interaction with databases in order to improve the quality and efficiency of their applications.

Business Analysts

Use data to make business decisions and want the skills to execute complex queries for analysis.

Cloud Administrators

and architects seeking to understand how to migrate, manage, and optimize databases in a cloud environment.

Data Analysts

Professionals working with data who want to deepen their skills in writing SQL queries for more effective data analysis.

Students and Graduates

Who are interested in data analytics and want to gain practical skills in working with SQL

Beginners in IT

Those who are starting their journey in the technical field want to understand how databases work and how to use it.

Software Developers

Who seek to better understand the interaction with databases in order to improve the quality and efficiency of their applications.


Who seek to better understand the interaction with databases in order to improve the quality and efficiency of their applications.

Business Analysts

Use data to make business decisions and want the skills to execute complex queries for analysis.

Course Program

The program is easy to understand and based on practical benefits for work. It contains many “life hacks” and real-life examples.
  • database
    Module 1
    Introduction to Databases Result
    • Understanding the role of databases, database management systems, servers, and SQL. Mastering basic terminology.
    • Creating your own server and database.
    • Installing the necessary software.
  • server
    Module 2
    Populating the Database Result
    • Ability to design a database and create tables.
    • Understanding data normalization principles.
    • Mastering the skills of populating tables through INSERT and from Excel files
  • update
    Module 3
    Updating and Deleting from the Database Result
    • Mastering the skills of making changes to tables: deleting tables, deleting information from a table, updating information in a table, replacing values in a table.
  • reading
    Module 4
    Reading Information from the Database Result
    • Ability to retrieve information from the database in the desired format.
    • Ability to convert a business task into an SQL query.
  • information
    Module 5
    Summarizing and Aggregating Information Result
    • Ability to summarize data and perform aggregation for further analysis.
  • tables
    Module 6
    The Art of Joining Tables Result
    • Ability to join tables and perform operations with them.
  • subqueries
    Module 7
    Nested Subqueries Result
    • Ability to write complex queries with intricate logic.
  • automatization
    Module 8
    Automation and Simplification Result
    • Understanding and ability to use additional functionalities to simplify and automate working with data.
  • import
    Module 9
    Імпортування даних
    • Вміння імпортувати дані з бази даних або з результатів виконання SQL-запиту в Exel та в потужну сучасну програму для аналітики – PowerBI
  • finish
    Module 10
    Фінальний проект
    • Створите структуровану базу даних для магазину, розробите комплекс запитів, які можна використовувати як звітність та аналітику.
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How Does Your Learning Take Place?

You will work on practical projects together with the practicum mentors.

Variety of Formats

Training takes place in streams of 20 people, with 16 pre-recorded video lessons. You can attend three engaging workshops and have personal consultations with mentors.

Mentor Support

You will have access to a learning platform where mentors and tutors will answer your questions and help with homework.

Practical Work

You will work on practical projects together with the practicum mentors.и зможете працювати над практичними проєктами спільно з менторами практикуму.

Interaction and Discussion

The LMS platform provides opportunities for discussing insights and exchanging ideas with leading professionals and like-minded people.

Progress Tracking

Thanks to monitoring progress by instructors and mentors, you will receive an assessment of your achievements, facilitating more effective control over your learning.

Access to Resources

The LMS offers many learning resources, such as videos, articles, test tasks, etc.

Course Author Information


Margarita Kolaykova

  • Margarita Kolaykova, a graduate of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Kyiv National University, specializes in statistics. Winner of international mathematical olympiads and programming hackathons.
  • Analyst with experience working in a bank. Implemented a machine learning system for property auto-assessment approved by the National Bank.
  • Freed up 9600 norm-hours for the bank through analytics and Data Science. Current Data Scientist in an IT company.


  • photo
    What is SQL, and what is its purpose?

    SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a programming language designed for managing and processing data in databases. It creates, reads, updates, and deletes data (CRUD operations).

  • photo
    Who should learn SQL and which professions benefit from it?

    SQL can benefit developers, testers, data scientists, engineers, analysts, product and project managers, marketers, and other professionals working with data processing and analytics.

  • photo
    What is the best way for beginners to learn SQL?

    The best way for beginners to learn SQL is through a basic course that explains the main concepts and skills.

  • photo
    What knowledge can be gained from a beginner’s SQL course?

    A beginner’s SQL course can help you acquire skills in working with databases, writing efficient SQL queries, and filtering, sorting, and grouping data.

  • photo
    Do I need prior professional skills to participate in the SQL course?

    No, you do not need prior professional skills to participate in the SQL course.

  • photo
    What software will we work with during the SQL training?

    During the training, we will work with Azure, Azure Data Studio, T-SQL, PowerBI, and Excel.

  • photo
    Will we receive a certificate after completing the SQL course?

    Yes, you will receive a certificate of completion after successfully completing the SQL course.

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Register Now and Become an SQL Expert!


Registration is your first step into a successful IT career!

Register for the SQL Beginner Course

Що про нас говорять наші студенти?

Ігор Петренко
“Були багато практичних завдань, які дають можливість повного освоєння пройденого всього матеріалу. Це насправді зручно та ефективно!”
Сергій Іванов
“Були багато практичних завдань, які дають можливість повного освоєння пройденого всього матеріалу. Це насправді зручно та ефективно!”
Ігор Петренко
“Були багато практичних завдань, які дають можливість повного освоєння пройденого всього матеріалу. Це насправді зручно та ефективно!”
Сергій Іванов
“Були багато практичних завдань, які дають можливість повного освоєння пройденого всього матеріалу. Це насправді зручно та ефективно!”
Ігор Петренко
“Були багато практичних завдань, які дають можливість повного освоєння пройденого всього матеріалу. Це насправді зручно та ефективно!”
Сергій Іванов
“Були багато практичних завдань, які дають можливість повного освоєння пройденого всього матеріалу. Це насправді зручно та ефективно!”
Олена Борисенко
“Були багато практичних завдань, які дають можливість повного освоєння пройденого всього матеріалу. Це насправді зручно та ефективно!”
Привіт 🤗
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